Additional Research

Quantification of Polyphenolics and Their Antioxidant Capacity in Plums

Total phenolics, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity of 11 cultivars of fresh plums were…

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Electrospray Ionization Characterization of Phenolic Constituents in Dried Plums

Four different conditions were used to analyze the phytochemicals in commercial dried plums. Major…

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Dried Plums and Their Products: Composition and Health Effects – An Updated Review

This paper updates the 2001 review conducted by the same author and published in the same journal…

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Antioxidant Activity of Prune (Prunus domestica L.) Constituents and a New Synergist

Antioxidants from prunes were isolated, identified and antioxidant activity assessed by the ORAC…

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LC/ES-MS Detection of Hydroxycinnamates in Human Plasma and Urine

Hydroxycinnamates are present in high concentration in prunes. Little is known about the absorption…

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Chemical Composition and Potential Health Effects of Prunes: A functional food?

This systemic literature review summarizes the chemical composition of prunes and their biological…

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Contribution of Individual Polyphenolics to Total Antioxidant Capacity of Plums

The effect of polyphenolics on antioxidant capacities of plums, the amounts of total phenolics,…

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Carbohydrate Composition of Selected Plum/Prune Preparations

Eighteen plum/prune preparations and byproducts were analyzed for proximate constituents and…

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Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Antioxidant Capacities of Common Foods in the United States

Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities were determined by the ORACfl assay on more than…

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Effect of Drying Conditions and Storage Period

Two varieties of prunes were dried by high and low temperatures and chemical parameters were…

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