Additional Research

Dried Plums (prunes) Reduce Atherosclerosis Lesion Area in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice

The apoE-deficient mouse, which develops atherosclerotic lesions rapidly when fed cholesterol, was…

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Plant Polyphenols Could Decrease the Risk of Premature Mortality from Major Clinical Conditions

Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in fruit and vegetables decrease the risk of…

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Cereal Fiber Consumption Among the Elderly is Associated with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Fiber, particularly cereal fiber, consumption among the elderly is associated with lower risk of…

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Prune Suppresses Ovariectomy-Induced Hypercholesterolemia in Rats

This study investigated the efficacy of prunes on lowering cholesterol in an ovariectomized (ovx)…

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Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Possibly Colon Cancer through high fruit and vegetable fiber intakes

High fruit and vegetable fiber intakes reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease and possibly…

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Prune Fiber or Pectin Compared with Cellulose Lowers Plasma and Liver Lipids in Rats

The study tested the hypotheses that dietary fiber extracted from dried plums lowers plasma and…

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Dried Plum’s Unique Capacity to Reverse Bone Loss and Alter Bone Metabolism in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Model.

This study compared the effects of dried plum on bone to other dried fruits (apple, apricot, grape…

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Consumption of Prunes as a Source of Dietary Fiber in Men with Mild Hypercholesterolemia

The study tested the hypothesis that dietary fiber in dried plums can lower plasma cholesterol…

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Dietary Dried Plum Increases Bone Mass in Adult and Aged Male Mice

Bone is progressively lost with advancing age. Therapies are limited and the only effective…

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