Short-term Effects of a Snack Including Dried Prunes on Energy Intake and Satiety in Normal-weight Individuals

JOURNAL: Eating Behaviors 11 (2010)201-203.

AUTHORS: Farajian P, Katsagani M, Zampelas A.

This study investigated the effect of a preload including dried prunes eaten as a snack prior to a meal compared to a preload of an isoenergetic and equal weighed bread product.  Researchers investigated short-term effect on satiety measured by subsequent ad lib meal intake and reduced appetite for dessert after lunch; and assessed satiety by visual analogue scales (VAS).
Participants in the randomized within-subject crossover study included 45 healthy, normal-weight subjects. Results indicated that when subjects consumed the preload that included dried prunes, they consumed less of the dessert and had lower total energy intake at the meal. Subjects’ feeling of hunger, desire and motivation to eat as assessed by VAS, were lower at all time points between the snack and meal.  Macronutrient content of both preloads was similar. The authors suggest that the satiating power of prunes could be due to the fiber content.