
National Prune Day Founder Rhayne Thomas sitting in a chair next to a table

National Prune Day: Celebrating the Versatile Prune

National Prune Day, observed annually on June 15, is a day dedicated to celebrating the numerous…

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Couple sitting and eating prunes after a work out

Fueling Summer Activities with the Goodness of California Prunes 

As summer approaches and the weather heats up, many of us ramp up our activities – hiking, biking,…

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Exploring the Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Prunes 

By Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD  When you think about anti-inflammatory foods, which foods come…

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Bowl of prunes on cutting board with fresh strawberries and raspberries, spinach and a glass of milk

Are Prunes Good for You?

Prunes are a good-for-you snack that offers a wealth of nutrients and health benefits related to…

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Cozy Cold Weather Meals and Snacks Using Prunes

That low-key bag of California Prunes in the pantry is often underestimated as an addition to cold…

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Prunes scattered on a cutting board with bowls of walnuts and seasonings placed off to the side

The Gut Microbiome-Bone Health Connection and a Role for Prunes

Creating a microbiome environment that promotes the growth of “good” microorganisms requires a diet…

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Aging Gracefully with California Prunes

California Prunes Spotlight: Aging Gracefully with California Prunes

California Prunes can help women maintain critical aspects of their physical health as they…

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