Additional Research

Comparative Effects of Dried Plum and Dried Apple on Bone in Postmenopausal Women

This study examined the extent to which dried plum reverses bone loss in osteopenic postmenopausal…

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Viewpoint: Dried Plum, An Emerging Functional Food that May Effectively Improve Bone Health

This review summarizes findings of studies published to date which examine the beneficial effects…

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Dried Plums Improve Indices of Bone Formation in Postmenopausal Women

The study assessed the effect of daily consumption of 100 grams (10Ð12) of dried plums for three…

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Bone-Protective Effects of Dried Plum in Postmenopausal Women: Efficacy and Possible Mechanisms

Osteoporosis is an age-related chronic disease characterized by a loss of bone mass and quality,…

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Cellular and Physiological Effects of Probiotics and Prebiotics

The biological mechanisms of action of probiotics and prebiotics include direct effects in the…

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Effects of a High-Fiber Diet on Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome- A Randomized Clinical Trial

A modest fiber intake in patients with irritable bowel syndrome relieved symptoms, but this…

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Dietary Fiber and C-Reactive Protein: Findings from National Health and Gut Health

High concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) are considered a marker for inflammatory disease…

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