Additional Research

Dried Fruit and Dental Health

According to the abstract, a thorough literature review found that common perceptions about dried…

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Dried Plums Promote Increased Antioxidant Capacity in Smokers and Nonsmokers

Smokers suffer from decreased antioxidant capacity, a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases.…

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Neutrophil Elastase Responses in Smokers and Nonsmokers Consuming Dried Plums

Neutrophil elastase, a marker of pulmonary inflammation, is secreted by macrophages within minutes…

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Fiber’s Effect on Steroid Hormones and Breast Cancer

A high-fiber, low-fat diet intervention is associated with reduced serum bioavailable estradiol…

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Effect of Prune Consumption on the Ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16a-hydroxyestrone

High fiber intake has been associated with a decreased breast cancer risk. This study investigated…

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Dried Plums (prunes) Reduce Atherosclerosis Lesion Area in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice

The apoE-deficient mouse, which develops atherosclerotic lesions rapidly when fed cholesterol, was…

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Plant Polyphenols Could Decrease the Risk of Premature Mortality from Major Clinical Conditions

Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in fruit and vegetables decrease the risk of…

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Cereal Fiber Consumption Among the Elderly is Associated with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Fiber, particularly cereal fiber, consumption among the elderly is associated with lower risk of…

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Prune Suppresses Ovariectomy-Induced Hypercholesterolemia in Rats

This study investigated the efficacy of prunes on lowering cholesterol in an ovariectomized (ovx)…

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