
prunes in a blue bowl on a white table

Prune Research at American Society for Nutrition 2019

Explore groundbreaking research presented at the American Society for Nutrition's meeting in…

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prunes in a crackled blue and white bowl on a board

How Prunes Support Bone Health: Insights from Cutting-Edge Nutrition Research

Cutting-edge nutrition research is exploring the role of prunes in bone health, fracture healing, &…

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Couple sitting and eating prunes after a work out

Fueling Summer Activities with the Goodness of California Prunes 

As summer approaches and the weather heats up, many of us ramp up our activities – hiking, biking,…

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a black pot with a bowl of Beans Marbella

Healthy and Delicious Dinner Ideas

Start adding more California Prunes to your meals with these healthy family dinner ideas from some…

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What Makes Prunes a Perfect Pantry Staple

By Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD Prunes are a fiber-rich and sweet addition to any plate – as an…

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Prunes Can Support Your Core Nutrition Goals

How California Prunes Can Support Your Core Nutrition Goals

By Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN Smart athletes include foods that benefit their heart, and…

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Adding Prune Juice & Smoothie ingredients to a blender for athletic performance

California Prunes: Good For Your Body, Bones & Athletic Performance!

By Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, LD Fresh fruit, dried fruit, frozen fruit…so much fruit to choose from…

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4 Surprising Facts About California Prunes

By Chris Mohr, PhD, RD If prunes aren’t on your grocery shopping list yet, they will be once you…

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Protecting Your Heart with California Prunes

By Jim White, RDN What do you think of when you think about California Prunes? Most immediately,…

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bahn mi sandwich ingredient spread

How do Antioxidants Impact Inflammation?

By Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN When it comes to overall health and wellness, free radicals,…

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