Press Releases

California Prune Production Navigating the Heat Wave

The California Prune Board (CPB) estimates an average production volume of 65,000 metric tons…

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Two New Research Studies Reinforce Prunes’ Role in Optimal Health

Prunes may help reduce belly fat and the risk for cardiovascular disease while improving gut…

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Promising prune bloom (with a bee) seems to point to a good year

Promising Prune Bloom Signals Quality Prunes for California Growers

This year's crop is off to a great start with a promising prune bloom. Here's why we're optimistic…

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The Smart Mediterranean Diet is a new cookbook that showcases prunes' versatility Image Cookbook with skewers on the cover

These 3 New, Creative and Delicious Recipes Are a Perfect Illustration of Prunes’ Versatility

A new cookbook showcases California Prunes' versatility. Learn how California Prunes can be an…

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Prunes may contribute to healthier bones. Image: women holding prunes in a bowl

New Study Adds to the Research Connecting Prunes and Healthier Bones

A new study show that prunes may help women to maintain healthier bones as they age. Let's dive in…

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New Study Explores Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Preserve Bone Health with Prunes

A new study published in The Journal of Nutrition shows daily consumption of prunes may preserve…

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