Additional Research

Effects of a High-Fiber Diet on Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome- A Randomized Clinical Trial

A modest fiber intake in patients with irritable bowel syndrome relieved symptoms, but this…

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Dietary Fiber and C-Reactive Protein: Findings from National Health and Gut Health

High concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) are considered a marker for inflammatory disease…

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Relationship of Prebiotics and Food to Intestinal Microflora

Prebiotics are non-digestible but fermentable oligosaccharides that specifically change the…

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Diet and Chronic Constipation in Children: The Role of Fiber

Lack of fiber may play an important role in the etiology of chronic idiopathic constipation in…

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Quantification of Polyphenolics and Their Antioxidant Capacity in Plums

Total phenolics, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity of 11 cultivars of fresh plums were…

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Electrospray Ionization Characterization of Phenolic Constituents in Dried Plums

Four different conditions were used to analyze the phytochemicals in commercial dried plums. Major…

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Dried Plums and Their Products: Composition and Health Effects – An Updated Review

This paper updates the 2001 review conducted by the same author and published in the same journal…

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Randomized Clinical Trial: Dried plums/prunes vs. Psyllium for Constipation

Although dried plums/prunes and prune juice have been traditionally used for the treatment of…

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