
Exploring the Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Prunes 

By Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD  When you think about anti-inflammatory foods, which foods come…

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Bowl of prunes on cutting board with fresh strawberries and raspberries, spinach and a glass of milk

Are Prunes Good for You?

Prunes are a good-for-you snack that offers a wealth of nutrients and health benefits related to…

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Cozy Cold Weather Meals and Snacks Using Prunes

That low-key bag of California Prunes in the pantry is often underestimated as an addition to cold…

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Prunes scattered on a cutting board with bowls of walnuts and seasonings placed off to the side

The Gut Microbiome-Bone Health Connection and a Role for Prunes

Creating a microbiome environment that promotes the growth of “good” microorganisms requires a diet…

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Prune Juice: A Nutritional Elixir for Digestive Health

Prune juice has numerous recognized health benefits including positive effects on digestion, bone…

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bowl of prunes. Prune puree is the base for this chocolate truffle recipe

Everything You Need to Know About Dried Prunes

Prunes are simply dried plums, offering essential nutrients, health benefits, and culinary…

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Prunes Can Support Your Core Nutrition Goals

How California Prunes Can Support Your Core Nutrition Goals

By Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN Smart athletes include foods that benefit their heart, and…

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Adding Prune Juice & Smoothie ingredients to a blender for athletic performance

California Prunes: Good For Your Body, Bones & Athletic Performance!

By Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, LD Fresh fruit, dried fruit, frozen fruit…so much fruit to choose from…

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Singing the Prune Tune Over the Holidays

By Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN The holiday season is a time for festivities, but it can also…

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Get in the Zone to Protect Bones at Every Life Stage

By Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN Here are some friendly tips to incorporate California Prunes…

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