
prunes may preserve bone health - two hands holding a small bowl of prunes

10 Ways to Have a Happy You Year!

There is something to be said for controlling what we can with our self-health plan. Can we resolve…

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Chocolate Fudge Raw Bar slices on parchment paper with cashews

The Prune Study: Prune Positive Outcomes Keep on Coming

In our April 2022 newsletter, we reported early findings from the largest prune consumption trial…

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How Many California Prunes Should I Eat?

Four to five prunes – an amount that is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand – make up one…

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prunes in a tree representing preserving the environment

Supporting Your Structure

As a sports dietitian who works with both male and female active individuals and professional…

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bourbon-soaked prune garnish w/ citrus twist

Defining Bone Health and the Effects of Prune Consumption

Bone health doesn’t always rank high under top health concerns for Americans even though we all…

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