Assessment Report– reporting tonnage a handler received from producersViewDownload
Prune Size Survey – reporting tonnage a handler received from producers, by sizeViewDownload
Prune Production Survey by County – reporting tonnage a handler received from producers, by which county the prunes were grown inViewDownload
Prune Acreage Survey – report of bearing and non-bearing prune acreage, by county, for growers delivering to handlers during the 2020/21 crop yearViewDownload
Report of Shipments – a handler’s report of shipments (sales) of prunes to the trade, by domestic and export destinationsViewDownload
Recap of Inter-Handler Movement – a handler’s report of shipments to and from other handlersViewDownload
Inventory Report – a handler’s report of prune inventory on hand at the end of each crop year, reported by sizeViewDownload
Reporting Requirements and Due Dates - detail on when and how often each report is collected from handlersViewDownload